Did you know you can light up a room and demand attention merely by the color clothing you choose to wear?

Green is a beautiful color!

That sentence deserves a line of its own, because if you take the time to really look at plants, grass, pistachio ice cream, limes, trees, U.S.A. paper currency and green clothes, you will notice that the color green is gorgeous.
Green is the color between blue and yellow on the spectrum of visible light. Green is evoked by light with a predominant wavelength of roughly 495-570 nm. In the subtractive color system, used in painting and color printing, green is created by a combination of yellow and blue in the RGB color model, used on television and computer screens.

Fashion lovers appreciate green clothes…lovely to look at as true divas know!

The color green relates to balance and harmony. From a color psychology perspective, green is the great balancer of the heart and the emotions, creating equilibrium between the head and the heart. Green is also the color of growth, spring, renewal and rebirth. When you look at the color green, you are renewed and restored with energy, bringing you back to a sense of well being.

Green Fun Fact: The modern English word green comes from the Middle English and Anglo-Saxon word ‘grene’, from the same Germanic root as the words ‘grass’ and ‘grow’. Green is the color of living grass and leaves, and as a result, is the color most associated with springtime, growth and nature.

Strut the catwalk in green, you stylish, glamorous fashion queen!

One reason green is such a lovely color is that it is considered an emotionally positive color, giving us the ability to love and nurture ourselves and others unconditionally. A natural peacemaker, green allows us to avoid the tendency to become a martyr.

See the positive side of life…dress in green to reduce daily stress and strife!

Green Eyes Fun Fact: There is no green pigment in green eyes. Like the color of blue eyes, it is an optical illusion, its appearance caused by the combination of amber or light brown pigmentation of the stroma, given by a low or moderate concentration of melanin, with the blue tone imparted by the Rayleigh scattering of the reflected light. Green eyes are most common in Northern and Central Europe. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of Celtic and Germanic ancestry (approximately 16%).

Positive Keywords Associated with the Color Green:

  1. Growth
  2. Vitality
  3. Renewal
  4. Restoration
  5. Self-Reliance
  6. Reliability
  7. Dependability
  8. Tact
  9. Emotionally Balanced
  10. Calm
  11. Nature Lover
  12. Family Oriented
  13. Down to Earth
  14. Practical
  15. Sympathetic
  16. Generous
  17. Kind
  18. Loyal
  19. Adaptable
  20. Nurturing

Everyone wearing the glorious color green will be noticed and seen!
Clothing looks great in all shades of green.

Variations of the color green include:

  1. Pale Green
  2. Emerald Green
  3. Jade Green
  4. Lime Green
  5. Dark Green
  6. Aqua
  7. Olive Green
  8. Yellow Green
  9. Grass Green

Fashion queens dressed in green steal the scene! Every time! Dress in lime!

Symbolisms and Associations with the Color Green:

  1. Safety and Precaution (think green street signals meaning go)
  2. Nature, Vivacity, Life
  3. Springtime, Freshness, Hope
  4. Youth and Inexperience
  5. Calm, Tolerance, Agreeable
  6. Jealousy and Envy
  7. Love and Sexuality

And let’s not forget, for everyone familiar with U.S. Paper Cash: Money! Money, money, money, honey. Never too much money!

How much “green” do you have in your purse? Enough to make going out and having a green clothing fashion spree a priority first!

Green Fun Fact: Political groups advocating environmental production and social justice describe themselves as part of the Green movement, some naming themselves Green parties. This has led to similar campaigns, as companies have sold green, environmentally friendly products. Think the “Green New Deal.”

Get with the scene – go green! A fashion queen dresses in green!

Nancy Mangano is an American beauty/fashion/style influencer, fashion journalist, screenwriter and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series. Visit Nancy on her global online fashion/style/beauty magazine Strutting in Style! at https://nancymariemangano.com, her Facebook page Nancy Mangano at  https://www.facebook.com/nancymmangano/  Twitter @https://twitter.com/nancymangano and her author website http://www.nancymangano.com


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