Spring is almost here, and with that comes sunshine, flowers, longer days and of course, pastel colors. Pastel colors are lighter, softer, more muted shades of some of your favorite colors, most notably pink, green, yellow, lavender, orange and blue. Soft pastels make a big splash in the fashion world in the color of garments, shoes, purses and nail polishes.
Yes, pastel manicures and pedicures are popular, pretty, and pleasing in spring.
Nail art is fun, beautiful, creative, and makes you feel good. We should all pamper ourselves with anything fashion and beauty.
You agree that decorative nail art and professional manicures look and feel great, but not everybody has the time, money, or transportation to get to a nail salon.
For those of you that prefer the do-it-yourself method, here are a few fun and easy tips you can do to paint your own nails in gorgeous pastel shades:
1. File your bare, clean nails into your desired shape.
2. Soak your fingers in warm soapy water for a couple minutes to soften the cuticles.
3. Rub cuticle cream into the cuticles of the nails.
4. Use a Q-tip or nail stick to gently push back the cuticles.
5. Wipe your nails with a damp cloth to ensure that you remove any oils or residues left from the cuticle cream. Pat the nails dry.
6. Apply a clear base coat of polish to the bare nails and let them dry (this permits the polish to stick to the nails easier and prevents smudging).
7. Paint your nails with the fingernail polish color(s) of choice. Try the three brush stroke rule: one stroke of polish down the center of the nail and one stroke to the left and right side of the nail.
8. Once dry, apply a topcoat of clear polish. This will provide a lustrous shine and help seal the color, eliminating chips and divots.
9. If desired, display your unique creativity by decorating away! You can use jewels, glitter, decals, various colors of polish, etc. to add glitz, glamour, and pizzazz to your nails and hands!
Let’s give a hand to the glamorous nail art with pretty, pleasing, feminine shades of pastel polish for a look that’s well, perfectly polished!
To add spice and pizzazz to your well groomed, gorgeous manicured hands, add rings to your fingers. I love large rings, or rings that fit above the knuckle. Also, dangle wrist bracelets will add allure and glamour to your pastel painted hands.
Decals, beads, gems and stones as nail art are another great way to go! Do I hear glitter anyone?
Let’s give a hand to pastel nail polish on your perfectly manicured hands. Grand.
Spring forward in pretty pastel nail polish.
Give a hand to pastel nails for a look that’s truly grand!