You can always spot a powerful woman by her confidence, attitude, dress and her positive demeanor. She radiates when she walks into a room, and she inspires and influences the people around her. It often times doesn’t take verbal words to come across as powerful as much as it takes charisma and letting your actions speak for you! To sum it up in one word, a powerful woman is polished!

Women showing their power doesn’t equal boring.  Women work, own businesses, run families and do many tasks in one day.  Powerful women exude glamour in fashion and beauty, and they deserve to feel and look great while making money and making  a difference in the world!

6 Fashion and Beauty Choices To Be a Powerful Woman:

  • Invest in Yourself: This can be achieved by taking charge of your health, your beauty  and your education. Eat a healthy diet, continue learning, and stay beautiful both inside and out. Present yourself as a strong, powerful woman and you will be viewed this way by others.
  • Dress for Success: It has been said that you should dress for a position you strive toward and you will be seen this way. Like it or not, people make first impressions of you based on your wardrobe and your makeup. Present a stylish, strong you to the world and feel powerful and confident.
  • Maintain a Polished Appearance: When you look put together, it is obvious that you take care of yourself. You come across as organized, responsible and powerful. You don’t need to wear too much makeup if that isn’t your preference, having a healthy, colorful glow on your face is as imperative as a big smile! Groom yourself well!

  • Dare to Be Different: Powerful women take risks. Put in for promotions at work, stretch and challenge your thinking. Dress in your own unique style and express yourself through your makeup. Own your power by being your true self!
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help: We all feel stressed and overwhelmed at times, no matter how organized and powerful we are. Everyone needs a friend or a helping hand once in a while. When you need help or assistance, just ask. People will respect you for it!
  • Uplift the People Around You: Generosity is a gift to those around you. By maintaining a positive attitude, giving to others, helping others and engaging in teamwork, you will shine brighter and be more productive. Uplifting people are fun and privileged to be around. Make sure others are better off for being around you.

By presenting your best self to the world, holding strong in your beliefs and principles and living with honor and integrity, you’ll excel as a confident, much appreciated, powerful woman.

Powerhouse women unite!

Nancy Mangano is an American beauty/fashion/style influencer, fashion journalist, screenwriter and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series. Visit Nancy on her global online fashion/style/beauty magazine Strutting in Style! at https://nancymariemangano.com, her Facebook page Nancy Mangano at  https://www.facebook.com/nancymmangano/  Twitter @https://twitter.com/nancymangano and her author website http://www.nancymangano.com



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