No matter your natural skin tone and skin type, you truly can love your skin at any age.  With numerous skincare products on the market, along with a healthy diet and good sleep, your skin can look smooth, youthful and healthy on a daily basis.  Everyone notices your face, so one way to ensure your complexion glows is to exfoliate.



Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the outer layer of your skin.  Your skin naturally sheds dead skin cells every 30 days and replenishes your skin with new cells. Exfoliation enhances this process by wiping away dead skin on a daily basis. Whether your skin type is dry, oily, or a combination of dry and oily, there are many exfoliating products that can keep your skin supple and youthful.

Exfoliants tend to be grainy as opposed to soft like body lotion, so be sure to use a mild exfoliant if you have sensitive skin.

Exfoliating can improve the appearance of your skin in several ways. Some benefits of exfoliating your skin every day include a bright, glowing appearance, clearer skin, smaller closed pores and a healthy glow.

Although many exfoliant products can be purchased at salons, drugstores, fine stores and beauty supply stores, homemade exfoliants can work just as well.  Some at home exfoliants include baking soda, cinnamon, honey, sugar and milk.

Exfoliating can increase collagen production, which lessens and/or prevents fine lines and wrinkles from appearing.

Tools that you can use to enhance your facial exfoliations include loofahs, pumice stones, body brushes and cleansing scrubs and masks.

Exfoliate and love the skin you’re in!

Exfoliating products can feel abrasive on the skin, so be sure to scrub your face lightly when applying the products to your skin.  If you scrub or rub too hard, you can irritate the skin and cause redness.  Just a light, easy application is all you need to wipe away dead skin cells and leave you with vibrant, radiant, gorgeous skin.

The short amount of time it takes to exfoliate your skin each day is well worth the raving results!  Your beautiful skin will thank you!

Nancy Mangano is an American beauty/fashion/style influencer, fashion journalist, screenwriter and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series. Visit Nancy on her global online fashion/style/beauty magazine Strutting in Style! at https://nancymariemangano.com, her Facebook page Nancy Mangano at  https://www.facebook.com/nancymmangano/  Twitter @https://twitter.com/nancymangano and her author website http://www.nancymangano.com



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