What thoughts come to your mind when you think of the color orange? The delicious citrus fruit, Halloween, pumpkins, autumn leaves, carrots? Perhaps when you see the color orange you are filled with warmth and happiness, as the color is a warm color that combines the physical energy of red with the cheerfulness of yellow!
Red and yellow blended together never looked so good, as when your luscious lips are coated with the bright, bold, popping color of orange.
How to go from glum to glam quick? Coat your lips in refreshing orange lipstick!
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I tend to prefer lip glosses over lipsticks, as I find the shiny, glossy look simply divine. It all depends on your preference: a more matted, dry look from a tubed lipstick, or a sultry, gloss finish. Either way, when your lips pop with a bright or a more toned down orange, you can be spotted from miles away! Okay, maybe not miles away, but you’ll sure light up a room!
Center stage!
Orange lipstick is daring…fashionable and fierce. It takes one confident fashion diva to step out with kissable orange lips! Well worth the chance! You’ll look so stunning that you’ll be stepping into the fashion danger zone! What a fun zone to step out in!
5 Stylish Alternatives to Classic Red Lips_1
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As with most colors of lipsticks, there are varying shades of orange, from red oranges, to golden oranges, to pink overtones, to over-the-top orange. As I’ve said so many times, in fashion there really aren’t any rules that you must stick by. Whatever shade of orange tickles your fancy, go for it. However, if you do want some guidelines on which shade of orange works best with your complexion, here it goes:
Shades of Orange Lipsticks that Compliment Skin Tones:

  1. Fair or Alabaster Skin: Popping bright orange, orange rocks your look! You glow!
  2. Medium Skin: Either red orange or pink orange tends to stand out tenfold! Gorgeous glamour!
  3. Dark Skin: Golden oranges look like pure gold against your rich looking skin! Beautiful!

Orange Lipstick Fashion Tip: Orange lipsticks look fabulous when worn with gold and brown tones of eye shadows. Do you want to fluff your cheeks with a swipe of blush? Try a sassy orange crush!
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Orange Fun Fact: In Europe and America, orange is commonly associated with amusement, the unconventional, extroverts, fire, activity, danger, taste and aroma. In Asia, it is an important symbolic color of Buddhism and Hinduism.
There is no denying than an orange lip pops!
Go from humdrum to hip with a scrumptious orange lip!
Orange Fun Fact: The color orange is named after the appearance of the ripe orange fruit! The word comes from the Old French orenge, from the old term for the fruit, pomme d’orenge. The first recorded use of orange as a color in English was in 1512, in a will now filed with the Public Record Office.
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Orange Fun Fact: In ancient Egypt, artists used an orange mineral pigment called realgar for tomb paintings, as well as other uses. It was also used by Medieval artists for the coloring of manuscripts. Before the late 15th century, the color existed in Europe, but without a name. It was simply called yellow-red.
What do you get when the colors yellow and red blend? Awesome orange! Expect nothing less! You’ll dress to impress and stand out above all the rest!
Orange lips are simply the best! You don’t agree? Then color your lips with va va voom orange and put me to the test!
When you really think about color tones in makeups, orange is vastly underused. However, the daring, bold color looks smashing and really brings out your face! The color orange has a degree of youthful impulsiveness to it that pinks, reds, purples and bronzes, although all beautiful, just don’t match up to!
Add some spice and zing for a new you that only the shade of orange can do!
Orange lips are sleek, sexy, pouty and pop a powerful punch!
All aboard the orange lipstick trend!
Orange is optimistic and extroverted – all eyes will be diverted – onto you!
“Knock, Knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“Orange who?”
“Orange you glad you’re ready to wow in an orange lip that says Zip, Boom, Pow!”
Author Nancy Mangano is the author of two riveting Natalie North murder mystery novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Nancy has blended her love of detective work and her passion for fashion into her books. Visit Nancy on her author website www.nancymangano.com, her fashion/style/beauty/book blog www.passionforprying.wordpress.com, Twitter @nancymangano and her author Facebook fan page Nancy Mangano.


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