Eyelashes woman eyes face close up with beautiful long lashes isolated on white

Long, beautiful eyelashes can definitely make you stand out in a crowd. When those lustrous lashes are real, as opposed to fake eyelashes or eyelash extensions, your eyes will be noticed with or without eye makeup.

There is something about long eyelashes that looks absolutely lovely. Dark, full eyebrows and long, thick eyelashes really pull a gorgeous face together.
There are ways to grow thicker, longer, stronger and healthier natural eyelashes. Just like the hair on your head, your nails, eyebrows, etc., your eyelashes need nourishment to grow and ensure that the vixen lashes remain extended and eye catching.

Long, voluptuous lashes are a symbol of natural beauty, and are an asset to any face. If you prefer extended, natural eyelashes, there are easy, inexpensive ways to grow out your own luscious lashes.

Of course, there is a practical reason for eyelashes, as opposed to merely being an ornament to decorate our eyeballs. The lashes help to keep dust and debris from getting in your eyes. However, as with all practical bodily exterior features, dolling them up in the name of fashion is always a top priority.

Easy, Inexpensive Steps to Grow Your Own Natural, Gorgeous Eyelashes:

  1. Use a lash lengthening gel underneath your mascara. Some lengthening gels not only grow and lengthen your own lashes, but the gel also conditions and protects your lashes, making your eyelashes stronger.
  2. Apply olive oil or castor oil to your eyelashes before you go to bed. Rub the oil between your thumb and your finger, and then pat the oil onto your eyelashes, or use a clean mascara brush to apply.
  3. Apply petroleum jelly to your eyelashes. Let the petroleum jelly sink into your lashes overnight, and then wash the jelly off in the morning.
  4. Avoid eyelash curlers: Eyelash curlers have a tendency to pull out and/or break your eyelashes, especially if you use the eyelash curler on lashes that are coated in mascara.
  5. Eat a nutritious, well balanced diet high in B vitamins and proteins. Eyelashes are hair, and just like the hair on your head, the eyelashes need to be fed a healthy diet to grow thick and full.
  6. Glycerin and egg whites mixed with castor oil, applied to your eyelashes, feeds and strengthens your lashes.
  7. Invest in a good eye makeup remover that allows for your mascara to come off easily, where you don’t have to scrub or tug your lashes.

Mascara applied to eyelashes helps to make your lashes stand out and appear longer, fuller and thicker! You don’t want to go overboard with the mascara, but I find lashes heavily coated in mascara to be real attractive.

Black mascara is stunning, and by far my favorite color of mascara. However, sometimes, especially depending on what I am wearing, colored mascara gives my eyes just the oomph they need to pop open and completely highlight my face. If you want to attempt different makeup looks, try changing the color of your mascara. Just a color change can make your face appear diverse, much like when you wear various shades of eye shadows and lipsticks.

Long, full, thick eyelashes are beautiful and becoming on any shape of eye and any color of eye. All eyes will be on your eyes when your natural lashes extend with sheer elegance,

Eyelash Fun Fact: In some cultures, long, natural eyelashes are a sign of youth. Since youth suggests good genes, and ultimately, fertility, it is said that men (subconsciously) are attracted to women with longer eyelashes.

Enhancing eyelash growth is an affordable, simple step to take to achieve natural, permanent beauty!

How to grow natural eyelashes that look like eyelash extensions.

Eye Makeup Remover Tip: Organic, extra virgin coconut oil seems to remove even the toughest of eye makeups. Long, thick, full, natural eyelashes: Natural never looked so nonstop glamorous.

Get the natural look the natural way: long natural eyelashes are here to stay.

The natural way to grow naturally long eyelashes.

Nancy Mangano is an American beauty/fashion/style influencer, fashion journalist, screenwriter and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series. Visit Nancy on her global online fashion/style/beauty magazine Nancy Marie Mangano at, her Facebook page Nancy Mangano at  Twitter @ and her author website


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