Serene Green is the New Pink Nail Polish!

The color green conjures up many images in our minds. When someone says green, you may think plants, grass. certain vegetables, limes, calm, peaceful, tranquil. But do you think nail polish?
If you follow the latest fashion trends, or simply adore the color green, green nail polish, to date, has become the new pink! Popular, available in various shades of green, vogue and trendy. Green is the new “it” color in nail polish.
On the color wheel, yellowish greens are considered warm colors, while greens and dark greens are labeled as cool colors. Green is the pervasive color in the natural world, making it an ideal backdrop in interior design because we are so used to seeing the color green everywhere.
Think about the earth/environment and “going green!” The saying “going green” applies to nail polish also, with the color green representing tranquility, refreshment, peace and ecology.
Not to mention, green is a beautiful color. Surveys have shown that overall, green is the second color of choice, behind blue.
Colors affect us both physically and mentally. People’s color preferences can be windows to their personalities.
How the color green affects people physically:

  1. Soothes.
  2. Relaxes mentally and physically.
  3. Helps alleviate depression, nervousness and anxiety.
  4. Offers a sense of renewal, self-control and harmony.

The color green on your nails can add wind to your sails!
The Color Green Fun Facts:

  1. In Japan, green is regarded as the color of eternal life.
  2. In the highlands of Scotland, people used to wear green as a mark of honor!
  3. In China, jade stones represent virtue and beauty.
  4. The solid green flag of Libya is currently the only national flag of a single color.
  5. In Portugal, green is the color of hope because of the color’s association with Spring.

Green also represents cash money, and who doesn’t love cash money?
Green Cash Money Tidbit: Green was the favorite color of George Washington, the first President of the United States! (Now he lives in green eternal on the one dollar bill)!
With such a variety of shades of green, most any color green that you select to party up your perfect nails will look cool and keen!
Be the queen in nails of green!
We know that the color green signifies “go”, with green traffic lights meaning accelerate and drive, and in auto racing, a green flag signals the start or resumption of a race!
So, get on your mark, get set, go forward in fashion fun and flamboyancy, with your nails a divine shade of green! Your hands and feet will surely be seen!
Green Fun Fact: What it says about you when you buy/drive a green automobile – You are traditional, trustworthy and well-balanced.
Green Fun Fact: What it says about you when you party up your nails in glorious shades of green – You are trendy, whimsical and lively!
Live a little, ok, a lot, and hit the town with nails of green!
Vogue, stylish, life affirming and clean – all words that describe the color green!
Author Nancy Mangano Fun Fact: As I write this blog post, my fingernails and toenails are painted in a glorious shade of green called Toad-ally Green! How clever is that?
Serene green is the new pink nail polish! Try it, I know you’ll like it! I sure do!
Author Nancy Mangano is the author of two novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Nancy has woven her love of detective work and her lifelong love of style into her books. Visit Nancy on her author website, her author/fashion/style blog, Twitter @nancymangano and her author “like” Facebook fan page Nancy Mangano.


  1. Hi Nancy. I have been looki
    ng for a green nail polish. Where can i find it around pretoria and how much is 50ml? Bellah

    • Hi Bellah,
      I am not familiar with the Pretoria area, but since you have computer access, you can order lots of fabulous shades of green nail polishes from Sally Beauty Supply. Sally’s has lots of beautiful shades of green polishes and ships all over the world. Go to the Sally’s website at, then click on ‘shop’ the click on ‘nails’ and you’ll find all sorts of gorgeous colors of nail polish. I hope this helps and thank you for reading my fashion magazine. Much appreciated! Nancy

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