We all enjoy being groomed and pampered by health and beauty specialists in the relaxing environment of salon spas. Spa resorts originated to offer various health treatments, most notably using mineral-rich spring water to give medicinal baths. Day spas now offer much more, including massages, beauty masks, laser hair removal, waxing, and milk baths. With so many options offered at spas, it helps to know what services are worth the money and which treatments are as beneficial when performed yourself from home.

Love and take care of the skin that you’re in.


• Laser Hair Removal: All skin tones and complexions are safe for using laser hair removal. You will experience dramatic hair reduction on dark, coarse hairs from those pesky areas you prefer to keep hair free. Laser hair removal doesn’t work on gray or white hairs. For those hairs, you can try wax, cream hair bleach, or tweezers.

• The Milk Bath: A luxuriating milk bath works wonders for softening and soothing your skin. Yes, you truly bathe in milk. Having this service done at a professional spa is worth the cost. Can you imagine if you fill your own bathtub with milk, the effort, and cost that it would take you? Milk truly does a body good, inside and out.

• Hydrotherapy Massage: Submerge yourself in a deluxe scented, salt-infused tub for an invigorating underwater experience. This service is relaxing and will soothe your sore, tight muscles by pulsating jets of air that stroke your body as you soak in luxurious warm water.

• Brazilian Bikini Wax: Sure, there are over the counter Brazilian bikini wax kits that you can buy and use at home, but ouch! For a thorough, fairly pain-free front and back bikini wax, this service is best left to the professionals. Enjoy how you look in your barely there thong bikini with this popular wax service.

• Manicure/Pedicure: Even if you are someone who prefers to paint your own fingernails and toenails, everyone should experience the luxury and occasional treat of partaking in a professional salon manicure/pedicure. You can kick back and read a book, surf your iPhone or just close your eyes and relax while pro nail artists fancy up and massage your hands and feet. Grooming your fingers and toes never felt or looked so good.

• Decolletage Rejuvenation: Eventually gravity begins to take a toll on everyone. One of the first places you may notice loose or sagging skin is with your breasts and your neck (think the turkey neck). With decolletage rejuvenation, this regenerative skin tightening treatment helps firm loose cleavage and sagging neck skin. Treat yourself to a professional decolletage rejuvenation and love your firm skin once again.

There are so many wonderful, invigorating spa services that will make you feel like the youthful, confident man or woman that you are.

Spa services never felt so spectacular! Luxurious, lovely, luscious!

Nancy Mangano is an American beauty/fashion/style influencer, fashion journalist, screenwriter and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series. Visit Nancy on her global online fashion/style/beauty magazine Strutting in Style! at, her Facebook page Nancy Mangano at Twitter @ and her author website


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